document.execCommand() FontSize in pixels?


var execFontSize = function (size, unit) {
    var spanString = $('<span/>', {
        'text': document.getSelection()
    }).css('font-size', size + unit).prop('outerHTML');

    document.execCommand('insertHTML', false, spanString);


execFontSize(30, 'px');

It's a limitation of the FontSize command. There are various options I can think of:

  • You could use a CSS class instead and use the CSS class applier module of my Rangy library;
  • You could use a hacky method, such as calling document.execCommand("fontSize", false, "7"); and then finding the elements the command has created and changing them as required. See example: This obviously depends on there being no other <font> elements with size 7 in the document and it also relies on the browser using <font> elements for font size, which it seems they all do.