Does a zero-length line with an arrow make sense? Is it a bug?
With pstricks.tex
from \psLine
can have only one or two pairs of coordinates. Will later be on CTAN.
\psset{linecolor=gray,linestyle=dashed,linewidth=0.5\pslinewidth,arrows=-,dash=2pt 2pt}
In TikZ, you can avoid drawing arrow heads if the last segment of a path has a length of zero by patching the internal \pgf@check@for@arrows
%%% New stuff starts here
% Extract first, second, second last and last points
% If the second last and last points are identical ...
% ... disable the arrow head
%%% New stuff ends here
\foreach \angle in {0,5,...,355}{%
-stealth, thick, line cap=round
\fill [white] (-1.02,-1.02) rectangle (1.02, 1.02);
\draw [gray, densely dashed] (0:{cos(\angle)}) |- (90:{sin(\angle)});
\draw (0,0) circle [radius=1];
\draw [blue, arrow] (0,0) -- (0:{cos(\angle)});
\draw [red, arrow] (0,0) -- (90:{sin(\angle)});
\draw [black, arrow] (0,0) -- (\angle:1);