Does Apache Benchmark allow intervals between each request?

Solution 1:

You could run ab through watch to delay the repeated access, but you're not going to be able to use the report summary for much.

watch -n 1 ab -n 3

Or run it through curl instead of ab

watch -n 0.4 curl

More about watch:

Solution 2:

You're really not going to accomplish any meaningful load testing with concurrency limited to 3. You probably need to remove the requests per second restriction for the IP that you're testing from.

Solution 3:

There is no such option.

Only configurable timing settings is

-t timelimit

Maximum number of seconds to spend for benchmarking. This implies a -n 50000 internally. Use this to benchmark the server within a fixed total amount of time. Per default there is no timelimit.

However, what is effect of benchmarking if you wait? You will not gain real results at all.

