Does assigning objects to null in Java impact garbage collection?

In my experience, more often than not, people null out references out of paranoia not out of necessity. Here is a quick guideline:

  1. If object A references object B and you no longer need this reference and object A is not eligible for garbage collection then you should explicitly null out the field. There is no need to null out a field if the enclosing object is getting garbage collected anyway. Nulling out fields in a dispose() method is almost always useless.

  2. There is no need to null out object references created in a method. They will get cleared automatically once the method terminates. The exception to this rule is if you're running in a very long method or some massive loop and you need to ensure that some references get cleared before the end of the method. Again, these cases are extremely rare.

I would say that the vast majority of the time you will not need to null out references. Trying to outsmart the garbage collector is useless. You will just end up with inefficient, unreadable code.

Typically, no.

But like all things: it depends. The GC in Java these days is VERY good and everything should be cleaned up very shortly after it is no longer reachable. This is just after leaving a method for local variables, and when a class instance is no longer referenced for fields.

You only need to explicitly null if you know it would remain referenced otherwise. For example an array which is kept around. You may want to null the individual elements of the array when they are no longer needed.

For example, this code from ArrayList:

public E remove(int index) {

    E oldValue = (E) elementData[index];

    int numMoved = size - index - 1;
    if (numMoved > 0)
         System.arraycopy(elementData, index+1, elementData, index,
    elementData[--size] = null; // Let gc do its work

    return oldValue;

Also, explicitly nulling an object will not cause an object to be collected any sooner than if it just went out of scope naturally as long as no references remain.


void foo() {
   Object o = new Object();
   /// do stuff with o


void foo() {
   Object o = new Object();
   /// do stuff with o
   o = null;

Are functionally equivalent.