Does Dart have import alias?
No. Dart do not have import alias.
But you have absolute imports which makes up for it:
import 'package:my_lib/shared/constants.dart
This will import the file /lib/shared/constants.dart
Dart doesn't allow you to rename imported identifiers, but it allows you to specify an import prefix
import '../../constants.dart' as foo;
foo.ImportedClass foo = foo.ImportedClass();
It allows also to filter imported identifiers like
import '../../constants.dart' show foo hide bar;
See also
- What is the difference between "show" and "as" in an import statement?
Barrel files can also make importing easier like
export 'widget1.dart';
export 'widget2.dart';
export 'widget3.dart';
export 'widget4.dart';
import '../widgets/widgets.dart';
Widget build(BuildContext context) => Widget1();