Does 'display: none;' improve or worsen performance?

Two tips for improving performance when you have thousands of DOM elements and they needs to be scrolled through, interact etc.

  1. Try to manage bindings provided by front end frameworks manually. Front end frameworks might need lot of additional processing for the simple data binding you need. They are good up to certain number of DOM elements. But if your case is special and exceeds the number of DOM elements in an average case, the way to go is to manually bind them considering the circumstance. This can certainly remove any lagging.

  2. Buffer the DOM elements in and around the view port. If your DOM elements are a representation of the data in a table(s), fetch them with a limit and only render what you fetched. The user scrolling action should make the fetching and rendering going upwards or downwards.

Just hiding the elements is definitely not going to solve your performance problem coming by having thousands of DOM elements. Even though you can't see them, they occupy the DOM tree and the memory too. Only the browser doesn't have to paint them.

Here are some articles:

The answer is, like just about everything, it depends. I think you're going to have to benchmark it yourself to understand the specific situation. Here's how to run a "smoothness" benchmark since the perception of speed is likely more important than actual system performance for you.

As others have stated display:none leaves the DOM in memory. Typically the rendering is the expensive part but that's based on how many elements have to be rendered when things change. If the repaint operation is still having to check every element you may not see a huge performance increase. Here are some other options to consider.

Use Virtual DOM

This is why frameworks like React & Vue use a Virtual DOM. The goal is to take over the browser's job of deciding what to update and only making smaller changes.

Fully Add/Remove elements

You could replicate something similar by using Intersection Observer to figure out what's in/out of the viewport and actually add/subtract from the DOM instead of just relying on display:none alone since parsing javascript is generally more efficient than large paints.

Add GPU Acceleration

On the flip side, if the GPU is taking over rendering the paint might not be a performance suck but that's only on some devices. You can try it by adding transform: translate3d(0,0,0); to force GPU acceleration.

Give the Browser Hints

You may also see an improvement by utilizing CSS Will-Change attribute. One of the inputs is based on the content being outside the viewport. So will-change:scroll-position; on the elements.

CSS Content-Visibility (The bleeding edge)

The CSS Working group at W3C has the CSS containment module in draft form. The idea is to allow the developer to tell the browser what to paint and when. This includes paint & layout containment. content-visibility:auto is a super helpful property designed for just this type of problem. Here's more background.

Edit (April 2021) this is now available in Chrome 85+, Edge (Chromium) 85+, and Opera 71+. We're still waiting on Firefox support, but Can I Use puts it a 65% coverage.

It's worth a look as the demos I saw made a massive difference in performance and Lighthouse scores.

The "display: none" property of an Element removes that element from the document flow.

Redefining that element display property from none to any other dynamically, and vice versa, will again force the change in document flow.

Each time requiring a recalculation of all elements under the stream cascade for new rendering.

So yes, a "display: none" property applied to a nonzero dimensional and free flow or relatively positioned element, will be a costly operation and therefore will worsen the performance!

This will not be the case for say position: absolute or otherwise, removed elements form the natural and free document flow who's display property may be set to none and back without triggering e re-flow on the body of the document.

Now in your specific case [see edited graph] as you move/scroll down bringing the 'display: block' back to the following div will not cause a re-flow to the rest of the upper part of the document. So it is safe to make them displayable as you go. Therefore will not impact the page performance. Also display: none of tail elements as you move up, as this will free more display memory. And therefore may improve the performance. Which is never the case when adding or removing elements from and within the upper part of the HTML stream! enter image description here