Does Grub2 support Memtest86+ iso files?
There are ways of adding ISO's to grub2 configurations. It is easier to use other options, however.
- Download memtest86+-4.20.bin (Latest as of 11/2011)
- Place it in your /boot partition. (Just like your Linux kernels)
- Add the following to /etc/grub.d/40_custom (It should be on three lines, like this)
menuentry "Memtest 86+" { linux16 /memtest86+.bin }
Final. Update your grub and reboot
sudo grubupdate && sudo reboot
Six years late to this party, but seeing as I couldn't find the answer anywhere either, here's what I did to work it out.
- Mount the memtest ISO
- Look at mount-point/isolinux/isolinux.cfg
- Convert isolinux config to GRUB2 config
Note that that method works for other ISOs, not just Memtest86+.
Doing the above yields multiple isolinux configs depending on how you want to start Memtest86+, so you end up with multiple menuentries:
submenu "> MemTest86+ 7.2" {
menuentry "MemTest86" {
set isofile="/Memtest86-7.2.iso"
echo "Mounting Memtest86-7.2.iso"
loopback loop $isofile
echo "Loading kernel"
linux16 (loop)/isolinux/memtest iso-scan/filename=$isofile
echo "Starting MemTest86+ 7.2"
menuentry "MemTest86 (one pass)" {
set isofile="/Memtest86-7.2.iso"
echo "Mounting Memtest86-7.2.iso"
loopback loop $isofile
echo "Loading kernel"
linux16 (loop)/isolinux/memtest iso-scan/filename=$isofile onepass
echo "Starting MemTest86+ 7.2"
menuentry "MemTest86 (btrace)" {
set isofile="/Memtest86-7.2.iso"
echo "Mounting Memtest86-7.2.iso"
loopback loop $isofile
echo "Loading kernel"
linux16 (loop)/isolinux/memtest iso-scan/filename=$isofile btrace
echo "Starting MemTest86+ 7.2"
menuentry "MemTest86 (single CPU)" {
set isofile="/Memtest86-7.2.iso"
echo "Mounting Memtest86-7.2.iso"
loopback loop $isofile
echo "Loading kernel"
linux16 (loop)/isolinux/memtest iso-scan/filename=$isofile maxcpus=1
echo "Starting MemTest86+ 7.2"
menuentry "MemTest86 (serial output)" {
set isofile="/Memtest86-7.2.iso"
echo "Mounting Memtest86-7.2.iso"
loopback loop $isofile
echo "Loading kernel"
linux16 (loop)/isolinux/memtest iso-scan/filename=$isofile console=ttyS0,9600
echo "Starting MemTest86+ 7.2"