Does .net core dependency injection support Lazy<T>

Here's another approach which supports generic registration of Lazy<T> so that any type can be resolved lazily.

services.AddTransient(typeof(Lazy<>), typeof(Lazier<>));

internal class Lazier<T> : Lazy<T> where T : class
    public Lazier(IServiceProvider provider)
        : base(() => provider.GetRequiredService<T>())

You only need to add a registration for a factory method that creates the Lazy<IRepo> object.

public void ConfigureService(IServiceCollection services)
    services.AddTransient<IRepo, Repo>();
    services.AddTransient<Lazy<IRepo>>(provider => new Lazy<IRepo>(provider.GetService<IRepo>));

To my opinion, the code below should do the work(.net core 3.1)

services.AddTransient<IRepo, Repo>();
services.AddTransient(typeof(Lazy<>), typeof(Lazy<>));