Does PHP Support Arrow Function Syntax?

Yes. The new RFC has been accepted for PHP 7.4

Original answer from February 2018:

This appears to be the syntax described in It does have an experimental implementation.

In the arrow functions proposal, it is mentioned that it's an alternative to the "short closures" proposal,

As of February 2018, the current versions of PHP are 7.1.4 / 7.2.2.

I can't find any confirmation that either proposal has been approved. The former is in the "Under Discussion" state, the latter is "Declined / Withdrawn in favor of". I think it's too soon to know whether it will be adopted in any future version of PHP.

Update December 2019:

The feature has been released in PHP 7.4, according to

Arrow functions provide a shorthand syntax for defining functions with implicit by-value scope binding.

$factor = 10;
$nums = array_map(fn($n) => $n * $factor, [1, 2, 3, 4]);

But the usage has not been updated yet in the PHP manual page about Anonymous Functions

Here's a blog going into detail: