Does pytest parametrized test work with unittest class based tests?

According to pytest documentation:

unittest.TestCase methods cannot directly receive fixture function arguments as implementing that is likely to inflict on the ability to run general unittest.TestCase test suites.

There's a simple workaround to parameterize unittest-based Python tests by using "parameterized":

Here's a simple example. First install "parameterized": pip install parameterized==0.8.1

import unittest
from parameterized import parameterized

class MyTestClass(unittest.TestCase):

        ["One", "Two"],
        ["Three", "Four"],
        ["Five", "Six"],
    def test_parameterized(self, arg1, arg2):
        print(arg1, arg2)

Now you can easily run your code with pytest

I've successfully used this technique to parameterize selenium browser tests that use the SeleniumBase framework on GitHub in this example.