Does Seaborn distplot not support a range?

You could just filter your data and call displot over the filtered data:

filtered = data1[(data1 >= 0) & (data1 < 10)]
sns.distplot(filtered, kde=True, hist=True, hist_kws={"range": [0,10]})

Assuming data1 is a numpy array.

You can set a range for Axes object that sns returns.

ax = sns.distplot(data1, kde=True, hist=True, hist_kws={"range": [0,10]})
ax.set_xlim(0, 10)

If you want the KDE and histogram to be computed only for the values in [0,10] you can use the arguments kde_kws={"clip":(0,10)}, hist_kws={"range":(0,10)}:

sns.distplot(data1, kde=True, hist=True, kde_kws={"clip":(0,10)}, hist_kws={"range":(0,10)})