Does Swift have any built-in reverse function for a Bool?

Swift 4.2 and above.

As pointed out by Martin previously, the toggle function has finally arrived

So now, you can simply write


and that would give you the intended results.

! is the "logical not" operator:

var x = true
x = !x
print(x) // false

In Swift 3 this operator is defined as a static function of the Bool type:

public struct Bool {

    // ...

    /// Performs a logical NOT operation on a Boolean value.
    /// The logical NOT operator (`!`) inverts a Boolean value. If the value is
    /// `true`, the result of the operation is `false`; if the value is `false`,
    /// the result is `true`.
    ///     var printedMessage = false
    ///     if !printedMessage {
    ///         print("You look nice today!")
    ///         printedMessage = true
    ///     }
    ///     // Prints "You look nice today!"
    /// - Parameter a: The Boolean value to negate.
    prefix public static func !(a: Bool) -> Bool

   // ...

There is no built-in mutating method which negates a boolean, but you can implement it using the ! operator:

extension Bool {
    mutating func negate() {
        self = !self

var x = true
print(x) // false

Note that in Swift, mutating methods usually do not return the new value (compare sort() vs. sorted() for arrays).

Update: The proprosal

  • SE-0199 Adding toggle to Bool

has been accepted, and a future version of Swift will have a toggle() method in the standard library:

extension Bool {
  /// Equivalent to `someBool = !someBool`
  /// Useful when operating on long chains:
  ///    myVar.prop1.prop2.enabled.toggle()
  mutating func toggle() {
    self = !self

For above swift 4.2

var isVisible = true
print(isVisible.toggle())  // false

for else

isVisible = !isVisible


