'dotnet build' specify main method

You can edit your csproj to define which class to use (inside a PropertyGroup):


or specify this MSBuild property on the command line via:

$ dotnet build foo.csproj -p:StartupObject=foo.Program2


namespace foo
  class Program2{ public static void Main() {} }

Just to add why calling dotnet with /main fails with that error, note that it says "Compile with /main"; /main is a parameter for the compiler (csc.exe), not dotnet build. dotnet build will invoke MSBuild.exe which, in turn, will invoke csc.exe, but you'll need to tell dotnet build what the startup class is so it can tell csc.exe. This is what the accepted answer does.

Alternatively, if you were calling csc.exe directly, you could pass /main to it like so...

csc.exe Program.cs Test.cs /main:TestNamespace.Test