Dotnet Core Multiple Startup Classes with In-Process Hosting

According to aspnet-core-module article it says

GetCurrentDirectory returns the worker directory of the process started by IIS rather than the app's directory (for example, C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv for w3wp.exe).

which means config loader will not be able to find appsettings.* files, or any other files such as custom config files, that depend on a GetCurrentDirectory call. In order to solve it in your Program.cs right after public static void Main(string[] args) { add the following line


Also, in project file (e.g. MyProject.csproj) make sure that you have the following lines and appsettings.* exists in output folder.

  <Content Update="appsettings.json">
  <Content Update="appsettings.Development.json">
  <Content Update="appsettings.Production.json">