Double checkmark symbol

Rather than \checkmark from the amssymb package this symbols looks closure to \checked from wasysym. You can use:






to produce:

enter image description here

Just for fun (meaning that @Andrew's answer is the one that should be accepted): a TikZy proposal.

checkmark/.style={code={% starting point :
\draw[line width=\tmpxx*1pt,blue!80,fill=blue!60,line join=bevel] (0,.35) -- (.25,0) to[bend left=5] (0.8,.6) to[bend
right=5] (.25,.18) -- cycle;}}}
\path (0,0) pic[scale=0.4]{checkmark} (0.12,0) pic[scale=0.4]{checkmark};

abc \doubleckmark\ xyz  


enter image description here