double or float, which is faster?

Short answer is: it depends.

CPU with x87 will crunch floats and doubles equally fast. Vectorized code will run faster with floats, because SSE can crunch 4 floats or 2 doubles in one pass.

Another thing to consider is memory speed. Depending on your algorithm, your CPU could be idling a lot while waiting for the data. Memory intensive code will benefit from using floats, but ALU limited code won't (unless it is vectorized).

Depends on what the native hardware does.

  • If the hardware is (or is like) x86 with legacy x87 math, float and double are both extended (for free) to an internal 80-bit format, so both have the same performance (except for cache footprint / memory bandwidth)

  • If the hardware implements both natively, like most modern ISAs (including x86-64 where SSE2 is the default for scalar FP math), then usually most FPU operations are the same speed for both. Double division and sqrt can be slower than float, as well as of course being significantly slower than multiply or add. (Float being smaller can mean fewer cache misses. And with SIMD, twice as many elements per vector for loops that vectorize).

  • If the hardware implements only double, then float will be slower if conversion to/from the native double format isn't free as part of float-load and float-store instructions.

  • If the hardware implements float only, then emulating double with it will cost even more time. In this case, float will be faster.

  • And if the hardware implements neither, and both have to be implemented in software. In this case, both will be slow, but double will be slightly slower (more load and store operations at the least).

The quote you mention is probably referring to the x86 platform, where the first case was given. But this doesn't hold true in general.

Also beware that x * 3.3 + y for float x,y will trigger promotion to double for both variables. This is not the hardware's fault, and you should avoid it by writing 3.3f to let your compiler make efficient asm that actually keeps numbers as floats if that's what you want.

You can find a complete answer in this article:

What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating-Point Arithmetic

This is a quote from a previous Stack Overflow thread, about how float and double variables affect memory bandwidth:

If a double requires more storage than a float, then it will take longer to read the data. That's the naive answer. On a modern IA32, it all depends on where the data is coming from. If it's in L1 cache, the load is negligible provided the data comes from a single cache line. If it spans more than one cache line there's a small overhead. If it's from L2, it takes a while longer, if it's in RAM then it's longer still and finally, if it's on disk it's a huge time. So the choice of float or double is less imporant than the way the data is used. If you want to do a small calculation on lots of sequential data, a small data type is preferable. Doing a lot of computation on a small data set would allow you to use bigger data types with any significant effect. If you're accessing the data very randomly, then the choice of data size is unimportant - data is loaded in pages / cache lines. So even if you only want a byte from RAM, you could get 32 bytes transfered (this is very dependant on the architecture of the system). On top of all of this, the CPU/FPU could be super-scalar (aka pipelined). So, even though a load may take several cycles, the CPU/FPU could be busy doing something else (a multiply for instance) that hides the load time to a degree