Downloading and parsing json in swift

These two functions worked for me:

    func getJSON(urlToRequest: String) -> NSData{
        return NSData(contentsOfURL: NSURL(string: urlToRequest))

    func parseJSON(inputData: NSData) -> NSDictionary{
        var error: NSError?
        var boardsDictionary: NSDictionary = NSJSONSerialization.JSONObjectWithData(inputData, options: NSJSONReadingOptions.MutableContainers, error: &error) as NSDictionary

        return boardsDictionary

UPDATE: Swift 4

// Asynchronous Http call to your api url, using URLSession:
URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: URL(string: "")!) { (data, response, error) -> Void in
    // Check if data was received successfully
    if error == nil && data != nil {
        do {
            // Convert to dictionary where keys are of type String, and values are of any type
            let json = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data!, options: .mutableContainers) as! [String: Any]
            // Access specific key with value of type String
            let str = json["key"] as! String
        } catch {
            // Something went wrong

Here is how to do it with Swift 2 and NSURLSession:

// Asynchronous Http call to your api url, using NSURLSession:
NSURLSession.sharedSession().dataTaskWithURL(NSURL(string: "")!, completionHandler: { (data, response, error) -> Void in
    // Check if data was received successfully
    if error == nil && data != nil {
        do {
            // Convert NSData to Dictionary where keys are of type String, and values are of any type
            let json = try NSJSONSerialization.JSONObjectWithData(data!, options: NSJSONReadingOptions.MutableContainers) as! [String:AnyObject]
            // Access specific key with value of type String
            let str = json["key"] as! String
        } catch {
            // Something went wrong

This code works fine for me. Just init data property with data = NSMutableData() and write NSURLConnectionDelegate here class ViewController: UIViewController, NSURLConnectionDelegate

import UIKit

class ViewController: UIViewController, NSURLConnectionDelegate {

    @lazy var data = NSMutableData()

    override func viewDidLoad() {

    override func viewWillAppear(animated: Bool) {

    override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() {

    func startConnection(){
        let urlPath: String = ""
        var url: NSURL = NSURL(string: urlPath)
        var request: NSURLRequest = NSURLRequest(URL: url)
        var connection: NSURLConnection = NSURLConnection(request: request, delegate: self, startImmediately: false)

    func connection(connection: NSURLConnection!, didReceiveData data: NSData!){

    func buttonAction(sender: UIButton!){

    func connectionDidFinishLoading(connection: NSURLConnection!) {
        var err: NSError
        // throwing an error on the line below (can't figure out where the error message is)
        var jsonResult: NSDictionary = NSJSONSerialization.JSONObjectWithData(data, options: NSJSONReadingOptions.MutableContainers, error: nil) as NSDictionary

here is output:

    "ders sayisi" = 15;
    dersler =     (
            0 = "2013-2014";
            1 = BAHAR;
            10 = TeacherHold;
            11 = 2;
            12 = "";
            2 = 2;
            3 = "CEE 102";
            4 = "Logic Circuits";
            5 = 3;
            6 = "6.00";
            7 = "YRD.DO\U00c7.DR.INDRIT MYDERRIZI";
            8 = 0;
            9 = IA;
            0 = "2013-2014";
            1 = BAHAR;
            10 = TeacherHold;
            11 = 1;
            12 = "";
            2 = 2;
            3 = "CIP 102";
            4 = "Civic Involment Projects";
            5 = 0;
            6 = "2.00";
            7 = "SE\U00c7\U0130L AVCI/BA\U015eAK CANSU AK\U00c7EL\U0130K/\U00c7A\U011eLA UNGUN";
            8 = 0;
            9 = P;
            0 = "2013-2014";
            1 = BAHAR;
            10 = TeacherHold;
            11 = 2;
            12 = "";
            2 = 2;
            3 = "COME 108";
            4 = "Algorithms and Programming II";
            5 = 3;
            6 = "6.00";
            7 = "\U00d6\U011eR.G\U00d6R.DR.B\U0130RSEN G\U00dcLDEN \U00d6ZDEM\U0130R";
            8 = 41;
            9 = C;
            0 = "2013-2014";
            1 = BAHAR;
            10 = TeacherHold;
            11 = 1;
            12 = "";
            2 = 2;
            3 = "COME 335";
            4 = "Mobile Application Development";
            5 = 3;
            6 = "5.00";
            7 = "\U00d6\U011eR.G\U00d6R.OZAN UYSAL";
            8 = TeacherHold;
            9 = TeacherHold;
            0 = "2013-2014";
            1 = BAHAR;
            10 = TeacherHold;
            11 = 1;
            12 = "";
            2 = 2;
            3 = "ENG 112";
            4 = "Advanced English For Engineering and Natural Sciences I";
            5 = 2;
            6 = "3.00";
            7 = "OKT.ERIC BEECHER";
            8 = 48;
            9 = F;
            0 = "2013-2014";
            1 = BAHAR;
            10 = TeacherHold;
            11 = 1;
            12 = "";
            2 = 2;
            3 = "PHYS 102";
            4 = "Physics II";
            5 = 4;
            6 = "5.00";
            7 = "YRD.DO\U00c7.DR.\U00d6ZG\U00dcL KURTULU\U015e \U00d6ZT\U00dcRK";
            8 = "-1";
            9 = F;
            0 = "2013-2014";
            1 = BAHAR;
            10 = TeacherHold;
            11 = 2;
            12 = "";
            2 = 2;
            3 = "T\U00dcRK 102";
            4 = "T\U00fcrk Dili II";
            5 = 2;
            6 = "2.00";
            7 = "\U00d6\U011eR.G\U00d6R.\U015eER\U0130FE GEZG\U0130N";
            8 = 10;
            9 = F;
            0 = "2013-2014";
            1 = "G\U00dcZ";
            10 = TeacherHold;
            11 = 2;
            12 = "";
            2 = 1;
            3 = "CHEM 101";
            4 = Chemistry;
            5 = 3;
            6 = "5.00";
            7 = "YRD.DO\U00c7.DR.AY\U015eEN TULPAR";
            8 = TeacherHold;
            9 = F;
            0 = "2013-2014";
            1 = "G\U00dcZ";
            10 = TeacherHold;
            11 = 1;
            12 = "";
            2 = 1;
            3 = "CIP 101";
            4 = "Civic Involment Projects";
            5 = 0;
            6 = "1.00";
            7 = "YRD.DO\U00c7.DR.FATMA G\U00dcL AYGEN/Staff CIP1/SE\U00c7\U0130L AVCI/D\U0130LAYDA EM\U0130R/BA\U015eAK CANSU AK\U00c7EL\U0130K/\U00c7A\U011eLA UNGUN";
            8 = TeacherHold;
            9 = P;
            0 = "2013-2014";
            1 = "G\U00dcZ";
            10 = TeacherHold;
            11 = 3;
            12 = "";
            2 = 1;
            3 = "COME 107";
            4 = "Algorithms and Programming I";
            5 = 4;
            6 = "5.00";
            7 = "PROF.DR.M\U0130TAT UYSAL";
            8 = TeacherHold;
            9 = "C+";
            0 = "2013-2014";
            1 = "G\U00dcZ";
            10 = TeacherHold;
            11 = 2;
            12 = "";
            2 = 1;
            3 = "ENG 101";
            4 = "Advanced English";
            5 = 2;
            6 = "3.00";
            7 = "OKT.EZG\U0130 ARGUN";
            8 = TeacherHold;
            9 = B;
            0 = "2013-2014";
            1 = "G\U00dcZ";
            10 = TeacherHold;
            11 = 1;
            12 = "";
            2 = 1;
            3 = "IUL 100";
            4 = "Introduction to University Life";
            5 = 0;
            6 = "1.00";
            7 = "YRD.DO\U00c7.DR.FATMA G\U00dcL AYGEN";
            8 = TeacherHold;
            9 = F;
            0 = "2013-2014";
            1 = "G\U00dcZ";
            10 = TeacherHold;
            11 = 2;
            12 = "";
            2 = 1;
            3 = "MATH 111";
            4 = "Calculus I";
            5 = 4;
            6 = "5.00";
            7 = "DO\U00c7.DR.G\U00dcRSEL YE\U015e\U0130LOT";
            8 = TeacherHold;
            9 = F;
            0 = "2013-2014";
            1 = "G\U00dcZ";
            10 = TeacherHold;
            11 = 4;
            12 = "";
            2 = 1;
            3 = "PHYS 101";
            4 = "Physics I [CNE]";
            5 = 4;
            6 = "5.00";
            7 = "YRD.DO\U00c7.DR.AR\U0130F \U00d6ZBAY";
            8 = TeacherHold;
            9 = F;
            0 = "2013-2014";
            1 = "G\U00dcZ";
            10 = TeacherHold;
            11 = 9;
            12 = "";
            2 = 1;
            3 = "T\U00dcRK 101";
            4 = "T\U00fcrk Dili I [CNE]";
            5 = 2;
            6 = "2.00";
            7 = "\U00d6\U011eR.G\U00d6R.ARZU AYG\U00dcN";
            8 = TeacherHold;
            9 = F;

If the original JSON is an array, try this.

func parseJSON(inputData: NSData) -> Array<NSDictionary>{
    var error: NSError?
    var boardsDictionary = NSJSONSerialization.JSONObjectWithData(inputData, options: NSJSONReadingOptions.MutableContainers, error: &error) as Array<NSDictionary>

    return boardsDictionary