Downloading files without using Import
How about a version of:
path = FetchURL[
get_obj=ifp2_cut.mesh.gz&acces=ifp2_cut", "ifp2_cut.mesh.gz"];
As a quick update to this, Mathematica 9 added some additional functionality that I have been putting to use - it seems to work very well if you do text analysis, which I do.
Documentation for the new commands URLSave, URLFetch, and the really useful URLSaveAsynchronous are here. For example, I've been running commands like this:
Which seem to work perfectly.
As an update to this question, Mathematica 11.0 introduces a new function URLDownload.
To download a single file, use URLDownload[url,filename]
To download multiple files, try Thread[URLDownload[{url1,url2,…},{filename1,filename2,…}]
Note that the file name part is optional: URLDownload[url]
and URLDownload[{url1,url2,…}]
are okay. In that case, your file(s) will be randomly named and saved by default to your system temp folder, like "/tmp/64b4ece0-4e3e-417e-9077-567a26c2c9d1.tmp".