dplyr::mutate to add multiple values

Yet another variant, although I think we're all splitting hairs here.

> dd <- data.frame(x=c(3,4),n=c(10,11))
> get_binCI <- function(x,n) {
+   as_data_frame(setNames(as.list(binom.test(x,n)$conf.int),c("lwr","upr")))
+ }
> dd %>% 
+   group_by(x,n) %>%
+   do(get_binCI(.$x,.$n))
Source: local data frame [2 x 4]
Groups: x, n

  x  n        lwr       upr
1 3 10 0.06673951 0.6524529
2 4 11 0.10926344 0.6920953

Personally, if we're just going by readability, I find this preferable:

foo  <- function(x,n){
    bi <- binom.test(x,n)$conf.int
    data_frame(lwr = bi[1],
               upr = bi[2])

dd %>% 
    group_by(x,n) %>%

...but now we're really splitting hairs.

Yet another option could be to use the purrr::map family of functions.

If you replace rbind with dplyr::bind_rows in the get_binCI function:


dd <- data.frame(x = c(3, 4), n = c(10, 11))
get_binCI <- function(x, n) {
  bind_rows(setNames(c(binom.test(x, n)$conf.int), c("lwr", "upr")))

You can use purrr::map2 with tidyr::unnest:

dd %>% mutate(result = map2(x, n, get_binCI)) %>% unnest()

#>   x  n        lwr       upr
#> 1 3 10 0.06673951 0.6524529
#> 2 4 11 0.10926344 0.6920953

Or purrr::map2_dfr with dplyr::bind_cols:

dd %>% bind_cols(map2_dfr(.$x, .$n, get_binCI))

#>   x  n        lwr       upr
#> 1 3 10 0.06673951 0.6524529
#> 2 4 11 0.10926344 0.6920953

Here's a quick solution using data.table package instead

First, a little change to the function

get_binCI <- function(x,n) as.list(setNames(binom.test(x,n)$conf.int, c("lwr", "upr")))

Then, simply

setDT(dd)[, get_binCI(x, n), by = .(x, n)]
#    x  n        lwr       upr
# 1: 3 10 0.06673951 0.6524529
# 2: 4 11 0.10926344 0.6920953


