Draw a prism in TikZ or PSTricks
Version 1
You define x
and y
to get correct a
and k
. It's not the unique way and it's also possible to reduce the code with a macro.
\begin{tikzpicture}[x = {(-0.65cm,-0.45cm)},
y = {(0.65cm,-0.45cm)},
z = {(0cm,0.8cm)},
scale = 2]
\begin{scope}[canvas is zy plane at x=5]
\draw (0,0) coordinate (a1)
-- (3,2) coordinate (a2)
-- (3,4) coordinate (a3)
-- (2,5) coordinate (a4)
-- (0,4) coordinate (a5)--cycle ;
\begin{scope}[canvas is zy plane at x=0]
\path (0,0) coordinate (b1)
(3,2) coordinate (b2)
(3,4) coordinate (b3)
(2,5) coordinate (b4)
(0,4) coordinate (b5);
\draw (b2)--(b3)--(b4)--(b5);
\foreach \i in {2,...,5}
\draw (a\i)--(b\i);
\draw[dashed] (b5)--(b1)--(b2) (a1)--(b1);
Version 2 I changed the name of the nodes. Bi
for vertices of the Background face and Fi
for vertices of the Front face. Now I created a macro to define the points. You need to give the coordinates, the coefficient and alpha (l'angle de fuite).
The code for the first picture is
\begin{scope}[x = {(0cm,1cm)},
y = {(1cm,0)},
z = {(-\ordz cm,-\absz cm)}]
\begin{scope}[canvas is yz plane at x=0]
\draw[dotted] (0,0) circle (1cm);
\draw[<->] (1,0) arc (0:-90:1cm);
\draw[dotted,blue] (0,0)--(0,-1);
\node[text width=2cm] at (0.5,-2) {fuite\\ $\alpha=30^{\circ}$};
\node[text width=2cm] at (-0.6,0.2) {$ -k\cos(\alpha)$\\
$ -k\sin(\alpha)$};
Now a complete example
\newcommand {\definePrism}[5]
{\pgfmathsetmacro{\absz}{#4*sin(#5)} \pgfmathsetmacro{\ordz}{#4*cos(#5)}
\begin{scope}[x = {(0cm,1cm)},
y = {(1cm,0)},
z = {(-\ordz cm,-\absz cm)}]
\begin{scope}[canvas is xy plane at z=#2]
\path \foreach \coord [count=\ni] in {#1} {\coord coordinate (B\ni)};
\begin{scope}[canvas is xy plane at z=#3]
\path \foreach \coord [count=\ni] in {#1} {\coord coordinate (F\ni)};
\draw (F1) \foreach \i in {2,...,5} {--(F\i)} -- cycle;
\draw (B2)--(B3)--(B4);
\draw[dashed] (B4)--(B5)--(B1)--(B2);
\draw (F2)--(B2)
\draw[dashed] (F1)--(B1)
version 2 with macro \definePrism
\definePrism[options]{list 1}{list 2}
options angle (default=45) coeff (default=.5) zB (default=0) zF (default=2)
list 1 (x1,y1),(x2,y2),...,(xn,yn)
list 2 s1,s2,...,sn with sn = 0 or 1---> 0 if Bn is hidden
coordinates defined : B1,B2,...,Bn and F1,F2,...,Fn
Only problem : how to determine s1,s2,...,sn automatically . I know some algorithms but too complicated with TeX
angle/.code = {\def\dpangle{#1}},
coeff/.code = {\def\dpcoeff{#1}},
zB/.code = {\def\zB{#1}},
zF/.code = {\def\zF{#1}},}
\pgfkeys{/definePrism/.cd, angle=45,coeff=.5,zB=0,zF=2}
\begin{scope}[x = {(0cm,1cm)},
y = {(1cm,0)},
z = {(-\ordz cm,-\absz cm)}]
\begin{scope}[canvas is xy plane at z=\zB]
\path \foreach \coord [count=\ni] in {#2} {%
\coord coordinate (B\ni)
\begin{scope}[canvas is xy plane at z=\zF]
\path \foreach \coord [count=\ni] in {#2} {%
\coord coordinate (F\ni)
\foreach \k [count=\ni] in {#3} {%
\draw (F1) \foreach \i in {2,...,\nb} {--(F\i)} -- cycle;
\foreach \i [count=\ni,count=\si from \nb] in {#3}{
\ifnum \ni > \nb \pgfmathtruncatemacro{\ni}{1} \fi
\ifnum \si > \nb \pgfmathtruncatemacro{\si}{1} \fi
\ifnum \i = 0
\draw[dashed] (B\si)--(B\ni)--(F\ni);
\draw (F\ni)--(B\ni);
\ifnum \lasti=1
\draw (B\si)--(B\ni);
\draw[dashed] (B\si)--(B\ni);
contains the list of the x/y polygon coordinates and axe
defines the direction vector "x y z" of the prism, which is by default axe=0 0 1
\psset{unit=0.5,lightsrc=10 5 50,viewpoint=50 20 30 rtp2xyz,Decran=50}
\psSolid[object=grille,base=-4 4 -4 4,fillcolor=red!30]
base=0 1 -1 0 0 -2 1 -1 0 0]
\psSolid[object=grille,base=-4 4 -4 4,fillcolor=red!30]
axe=0 1 2,h=8,base=0 -2 1 -1 0 0 0 1 -1 0]
Simple Boxes with pst-3dplot
and an automatic solution which needs the latest pst-3dplot.tex
from http://texnik.dante.de/tex/generic/pst-3dplot/. The Macro \psThreeDPrism
will move later to CTAN and also very later I'll realize hidden lines. move=x y
is the translation vector for the upper polygon
\pstThreeDPrism[height=6,move=1 2](0,0,0)(0.5,3,0)(-2,0,0)(0,-3,0)(1,-3,0)(0,0,0)