Draw An ASCII Double Helix

CJam, 56 55 53 52 50 bytes

S'O:Ori:X0>"\/"=" / \\\ / "+Xz*1>O]s3/X"z"<~N*X\O?

Look at that size! The main culprits are N = 0 special case and the \ instead of / in the vertical helix.

Here is how it works:

S'O:O                                  e# Put a space on stack. Now put char O on stack
                                       e# and assign it to variable O. This is not really
                                       e# helping in golfing as using 'O everywhere is
                                       e# same number of bytes
     ri:X                              e# Read input as in integer and store it in X
         0>"\/"=                       e# If X is greater than 0, choose /, otherwise \
                " / \\\ / "            e# Put this string on stack
                           +           e# Append to chosen \ or /
                            Xz*        e# Repeat it abs(X) times
1>                                     e# Remove the first character from repeated string
  O]                                   e# Put char O on stack, wrap everything in an array
                                       e# and convert it to string.
    3/                                 e# Split the string into parts of length 3
      X"z"<~                           e# If X is positive, transpose the array to get a
                                       e# horizontal helix, otherwise it would be vertical
            N*                         e# Join the parts with newline
              X\O?                     e# If X was 0, then pick char O instead of this
                                       e# final joined string.

The code is divided into three parts:

  • The part X0>"\/"=" / \\\ / "+ gives either "/ / \\\ / " or "\ / \\\ / " which is crucial as the helix is simply made up of alternate "/ \" and "\ /" joined by either " / " or " \ ". For instance, if you consider input to be 2, then your final repeated string would be "/ / \\ / / / \\ / " (without escaping). This obviously has extra / at the beginning and an extra space at the ending.
  • Second part is to correct the above string with additional things and split. For an input 2, the desired final string without newlines would be " O / \\\ / / / \\\ / O", but after the above point, we only have "/ / \\\ / / / \\\ / ". So we remove the first character, add a space and 'O at the beginning and another 'O at the end. Then we finally split it into parts of 3
  • Finally, we decide whether to transpose this split string for a vertical helix or not; Join the parts by newlines; And choose between this and a single character 'O (for input 0 case)

Try it online here

JavaScript(ES6), 126 132 133

A=n=>(F=(f,j='')=>f+(j+f).repeat(n-1),n>0?F(' /\\')+`
o${F('  ','/')}o
`+F(' \\/'):(n=-n)?` o${F(`
/ \\
\\ /
`,' \\')} o`:'o') 

// Test
  P.innerHTML = P.innerHTML + A(i)+'\n\n\n',
  N.innerHTML = N.innerHTML + A(-i)+'\n\n\n'
pre { 
  font-size: 10px;
  line-height: 9px;
<tr><td valign=top><pre id=P></pre></td><td><pre id=N></pre></td></tr>

Using templated string, newlines count.

More readable

  n > 0 ? F(' /\\') + '\no' + F('  ','/') + 'o\n'+F(' \\/')
  : (n=-n) ? ' o' + F('\n/ \\\n\\ /\n',' \\')'+' o':'o'

Pyth, 52 bytes




The first section, M[Jj"/\\"*hGdjP*G+*2dH*2\O_J), defines a function, g, which takes two inputs. The first input, G, is the number of repetions to use. This is the absolute value of the input. The second input, H, is the character to place at the center of the spirals.

The function returns a 3 element list, which consists of the 3 lines of the positive spiral, and the 3 columns of the negative spiral.

The first element is defined by Jj"/\\"*hGd. *hGd is the string of G+1 spaces. j"/\\"*hGd joins that string with "/\" as the delimeter. The J at the beginning saves the resultant value for future use.

The second element is jP*G+*2dH*2\O. We start with +*2dH. This is two spaces followed by the input character. Then, we repeat that string G times with *G. Then, we remove its final character with P. Finally, we surround this string with two O characters, with j ... *2\O.

The third element is generated with _J. This is simply the reverse of the first line.

The latter section, ?jb?gQ\/>Q0msdCg_Q\\Q\O selects between three different posibilities, positive, negative and zero. The first if-then conditions on Q, the input. The second conditions on >Q0, whether the input is positive.

If Q is zero, \O, the character O, is printed.

If Q is nonzero, we join the result of the second ternary on newlines and print it, with jb. If Q is positive, the list joined and printed is gQ\/, g(Q,"/").

If Q is negative, the list joined and printed is msdCg_Q\\. We start with g_Q\\, which is g(-Q,"\"). Then we transpose the rows and columns with C. msd turns the resultant tuples of characters into strings, ready to be joined on newlines and printed.