Draw an ASCII house

Vim 122, 89 Keystrokes

"aDJ"bD9i-<esc>Y2pVr <C-v>jr|$.Y4p3l<C-v>jljlr-jR| |<esc>{l<C-v>}d@apjdG@bp}Vr-{YPVr r/$r\qqYPllxx|P@qq@qddr*

Try it online!

I've improved my vim-golfing skills significantly since I posted this answer, so I decided to go back and write this whole thing from scratch. Saved thirty-three bytes in the process!

Input is assumed to be on two separate lines, so that the buffer looks like this before you start typing:


I had a very detailed explanation, but I don't feel like writing it all over again from the beginning... >_< Check out the revision history if you still want to see it.

Python 3.6 (pre-release), 221 210 203 bytes

for v in['*',*[f'/{" "*i}\\'for i in range(1,w-1,2)],p+p.join([''.join(f'{"".join([f"|{(a*3)[:3]:^7}"]*x)}|\n'for a in(*' -','| |',*'- '))]*y)+p]:print(v.center(w))

Reads 2 integers (separated by comma) from stdin, prints the house to stdout.

Readable version:

x, y = eval(input())
w = 8 * x + 1 # total width (in characters)
p = '-' * w + '\n' # floors
for v in [
    '*', # asterisk
    *[f'/{" "*i}\\' for i in range(1, w-1, 2)], # roof
    p + p.join([''.join(f'{"".join([f"|{(a*3)[:3]:^7}"]*x)}|\n' for a in (*' -','| |',*'- '))]*y) + p # rooms

Python 2, 190 181 bytes

for i in range(~W,h*6+1):print['-'[i%(h*6):]*(W-~W)or['  %s  '%' -|-  - -  -|- '[~i%6::5],'-'*7][i%6<1].join('|'*-~w),' '*~i+['/%*c'%(w*8-~i*2,92),'*'][W<-i]][i<0]

Pretty sure there's much to golf, especially the windows, but here's something for now. Input width and height comma-separated, e.g. 1,2.

Quick and rough explanation:

                *          <--- i = ~W = -w*4 - 1.    <---\
               / \         <--\ i = -W = -w*4             | Preceding spaces
              /   \           |                           | are calculated
             /     \          |                           | the same way
            /       \      <--/ i = -1                <---/
   /--->    ---------      <--- i = 0                 
   |        |       |      <--\ i = 1                 <---\
Check       |  ---  |         |                           | Calculate inner string
i%(h*6)     |  | |  |         |                           | and use to join '|'s
is zero     |  ---  |         |                           | (ditto with |-------|)
   |        |       |      <--/ i = h*6 - 1           <---/
   \--->    ---------      <--- i = h*6

            ^       ^

          W-~W = w*8 + 1