Drawing a circle with an angle using TikZ
One (somehow verbose) option:
The code:
\def\myrad{3cm}% radius of the circle
\def\myang{60}% angle for the arc
% the origin
\coordinate (O) at (0,0);
% the circle and the dot at the origin
\draw (O) node[circle,inner sep=1.5pt,fill] {} circle [radius=\myrad];
% the ``\theta'' arc
(\myrad,0) coordinate (xcoord) --
node[midway,below] {$r$} (O) --
(\myang:\myrad) coordinate (slcoord)
pic [draw,->,angle radius=1cm,"$\theta$"] {angle = xcoord--O--slcoord};
% the outer ``s'' arc
arc[start angle=0,end angle=\myang,radius=\myrad+10pt]
node[midway,fill=white] {$s$};
A PSTricks solution:
% parameters
All you have to do is choose the values of the parameters and the drawing will be adjusted accordingly.
Just a finger warm-up exercise with PSTricks.