Drawing a circle with nodes shift with Tikz

I think something like this is what you're after.

% define a counter
% macro to hold a color name
% set up an animation, \CircNum changes from 1 to 17
% with each frame
% draw the main circle
\node [circle, draw, minimum size=8cm] (c) {};

\foreach \a in {1,2,...,17}{
   % if \a is equal to \CircNum, set the color to blue
   % otherwise set it to black
   % make a new node for the small circles
   \node[\Clr, % with the color defined by the macro
         draw, thick, % draw the outline
         fill, % fill it
         minimum size=5mm, % set the size
         circle, % circular shape
         label={[\Clr]\a*360/17+180:\a} % add the number on the inside
         ] at (c.\a*360/17) % position it on the edge of the main circle

Here are the first three slides of the PDF:

enter image description here

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Here is a solution that borrows \int_step_variable:nnnNn from expl3:


% Borrow a loop macro from expl3
\cs_set_eq:NN \intstepvariable \int_step_variable:nnnNn


\begin{frame}{Circles in circle}

  % The big circle
  \node[circle, minimum width=2*\bigcircleradius, draw] (C) {};

  % The small circles and their labels
  \intstepvariable{0}{1}{\nsteps - 1}{\i}{% {init}{step}{final}{variable}
    \pgfmathsetmacro{\angle}{90 - \i*360/\nsteps}

    \uncover<\iplustwo-> {
      \node[circle, draw, minimum width=2*\smallcirclewidth,
            label=\otherside:\iplusone] at (C.\angle) {};
    \uncover<\iplustwo> {   % fill one small circle per frame
      \node[circle, fill=red!20, minimum width=2*\smallcirclewidth]
        at (C.\angle) {};



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Note: as an alternative to the following code:



\uncover<\iplustwo-> { (...) }
\uncover<\iplustwo>  { (...) }

one could use, assuming e-TeX extensions are available:

\uncover<\the\numexpr \i+2\relax-> { (...) }
\uncover<\the\numexpr \i+2\relax>  { (...) }

Now, let's redo the same beamer presentation, but using a more straightforward order (small circles at angles 1*360/10, 2*360/10, ..., 10*360/10 degrees, respectively). The main code is written in a (slightly) different way from the previous example: it uses two loops and the \pause macro from beamer, whereas the first example did everything in one loop, and used only \uncover.


% Borrow a loop macro from expl3
\cs_set_eq:NN \intstepvariable \int_step_variable:nnnNn


\begin{frame}{Circles in circle}

  % The big circle
  \node[circle, minimum width=2*\bigcircleradius, draw] (C) {};

  % The filled circles: highlight a single small circle on each frame starting
  % from frame 2.
  \intstepvariable{2}{1}{\nsteps+1}{\i}{% {init}{step}{final}{variable}
      \node[circle, fill=red!20, minimum width=2*\smallcirclewidth]
        at (C.\angle) {};

  % The unfilled circles and their labels
  \intstepvariable{1}{1}{\nsteps}{\i}{% {init}{step}{final}{variable}

    \node[circle, draw, minimum width=2*\smallcirclewidth, label=\otherside:\i]
      at (C.\angle) {};



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