Drawing a line through a box in tikz
Premise: I'm not a physicist, I do not know what you're talking about.
You can use the option execute at end picture={...}
to add some code to be executed after your tikzcd
is the name of the TikZ matrix the tikzcd
is translated into.
is the name of the cell of the TikZ matrix at the rth row and cth column.
Maybe there is a better method (without manual adjustments xshift
and yshift
) but I don't know it.
\begin{tikzcd}[execute at
end picture={
\draw[thick] ([yshift=-23.8pt,
west) --
([yshift=-23.8pt, xshift=-39pt]\tikzcdmatrixname-1-5.north west);
& \gate[wires=2]{J_{12}} & \gate[wires=3]{\raisebox{4pt}{$J_{13}$}} &
\qw & \qw \\
& & &
\gate[wires=2]{J_{23}} & \qw \\
& \qw &
& & \qw
Here is a pure TikZ alternative without fine-tuning with a matrix
\usetikzlibrary{matrix, fit}
\tikzset{gate/.style={rectangle, thick, fill=white,align=center, draw, text width=1.5em}}
\matrix[matrix of nodes,
nodes in empty cells,
column sep=2.5em,
row sep=4ex] (mymatr) {
\draw[thick] (mymatr-1-1) -- (mymatr-1-5);
\draw[thick] (mymatr-3-1) -- (mymatr-3-5);
\node[fit=(mymatr-1-3)(mymatr-3-3), gate, text height=5ex] {$J_{13}$};
\draw[thick] (mymatr-2-1) -- (mymatr-2-5);
\node[fit=(mymatr-1-2)(mymatr-2-2), gate] {$J_{12}$};
\node[fit=(mymatr-2-4)(mymatr-3-4), gate] {$J_{23}$};
Here is a pure TikZ alternative without fine-tuning and without any matrix
\tikzset{gate/.style={rectangle, thick, align=center, draw, text width=1.5em}}
\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=1.5em]
\node[gate, minimum height=18ex, text height=0ex] (j13) {$J_{13}$};
\node[left =of j13.north west, anchor=north east, minimum height=12ex, gate] (j12) {$J_{12}$};
\node[right =of j13.south east, anchor=south west, minimum height=12ex, gate] (j23) {$J_{23}$};
\coordinate (start1) at ([yshift=-2ex]j12.north west);
\coordinate (end1) at ([xshift=1em]j23.east |- start1);
\draw[thick] (start1) -- +(-1em, 0);
\draw[thick] (start1 -| j12.east) -- (start1 -| j13.west);
\draw[thick] (start1 -| j13.east) -- (end1);
\coordinate (start2) at ([yshift=2ex]j12.south west);
\draw[thick] (start2) -- +(-1em, 0);
\draw[thick] (start2 -| j12.east) --
(start2 -| j23.west);
\draw[thick] (start2 -| j23.east) --
+(1em, 0);
\coordinate (start3) at ([yshift=2ex]j23.south west -| start1);
\draw[thick] (start3) +(-1em, 0) -- (start3 -| j13.west) ;
\draw[thick] (start3 -| j13.east) --
(start3 -| j23.west);
\draw[thick] (start3 -| j13.east) --
(start3 -| j23.west);
\draw[thick] (start3 -| j23.east) --
+(1em, 0);