Drawing grids filled with random selected colors and connecting them

I would suggest you use the to syntax instead of the -- for connecting the squares. For coloring the squares you can define a list of colors via \pgfmathdeclarerandomlist:

enter image description here


  • I used tikz's calc library to get the midpoint of the squares.






    \foreach \y in {1,...,\GridSize} {
        \foreach \x in {1,...,\GridSize} {
            \draw [fill=\RandomColor, fill opacity=0.4, draw=none, ultra thick] 
                (\x-1,\y-1) rectangle (\x,\y);


        \draw (0, 0) grid (\GridSize, \GridSize);
        \coordinate (input);

    \begin{scope}[thick, xshift=7cm] 
        \draw (0, 0) grid (\GridSize, \GridSize);
        \coordinate (output);

    \draw[-latex, ultra thick, red!80] 
        ($(input)+(2.5,2.5)$) to[out=0, in=180] 
            node [pos=0.5,sloped, above,font=\footnotesize] {output}
