Drawing people along with x and y axis
As starting point:
every node/.append style={align=center},
box/.style={draw, thick, inner sep=2pt}
\draw[help lines, color=gray!30, dashed] (-4.9,-4.9) grid (4.9,4.9);
\draw[<->,ultra thick] (-5,0) node[left] {Geared\\ towards woman}
-- ( 5,0) node[right] {Geared\\ towards man};
\draw[<->,ultra thick] (0,-5) node[below] {Funny}
-- (0, 5) node[above] {Serious};
\node[dave,label=below:Dave] at (3,-2) {};
\node[bob,label=below:Bob] at (2,3) {};
\node[alice,label=below:Alice] at (-1,2) {};
If you like more abstract drawings of people (as shown on image in your question), than you can draw it as small pictures \pic
You could use a simple pic
\draw (-0.5,-1) -- (0,-0.5) -- (0.5,-1) (0,-0.5) -- (0,0.25) (0,0.5)
circle[radius=0.25] (-0.5,0) -- (0.5,0);
\node[anchor=north] at (0,-1){#1};}},nodes={align=center,font=\sffamily},
\draw[stealth-stealth,thick] (-6,0) node[left]{geared\\ towards women}--
(6,0)node[right]{geared\\ towards men};
\draw[stealth-stealth,thick] (0,-6) node[below]{funny}
-- (0,6)node[above]{serious};
\path (-2,-1) pic[scale=0.6]{person=Jane} (-1,2) pic[scale=0.6]{person=Jo\~ao}
(2.5,-3.5) pic[scale=0.6]{person=John} (1,2) pic[scale=0.6]{person=Maria}
(-0.1,0.2) node[above left,box]{Harry Potter}
(4,1) node[above,box]{Star Wars} (4,4) node[above,box]{The Shining}
(2,-1.5) node[above,box]{The Avengers};