Drawing rectangle triangles with labels only in its sizes
An attempt with MetaPost, in LuaLaTeX.
Given a real x
(supposed to be greater than 0 and lower than 2), it uses the Pythagorean subtraction (built in MetaPost) to compute the length of the other side adjacent to the angle.
numeric u; u = 2.5cm;
x = 1; y = 2 +-+ x; % Pythagorean subtraction
pair A, B, C; A = origin; B = (u*y, 0); C = (0, u*x);
label.bot("$\sqrt{4-x^2}$", .5[A,B]);
label.lft("$x$", .5[A,C]);
label.urt("$2$", .5[B,C]);
draw ((1, 0) -- (1, 1) -- (0, 1)) scaled 2mm; % mark right angle
path angle_mark;
angle_mark = anglebetween(B--A, B--C, "\alpha"); % angle \alpha
fill B -- angle_mark -- cycle withcolor .8white;
draw A -- B -- C -- cycle;
draw angle_mark;
Output with x = 1
With x = 0.5
With x = 1.5
With tkz-euclide
\tkzInit[xmax=5,ymax=3] %\tkzClip[space=.5]
\tkzDefPoint(0,0){A} \tkzDefPoint(4,0){B}
\tkzLabelSegment[below,font=\footnotesize](A,B){$\sqrt{4 - x^2}$}
\tkzMarkAngle[fill= blue!40,size=1.4cm,opacity=.5](B,A,C)
Here is a TikZ version:
\draw(0,0)--node[below]{$\sqrt{4-x^2}$} (1.7,0)
\draw[very thin,<->](1.4,0) arc [start angle=180,end angle=150, radius=0.3];
\node at (1.3,0.1){$\alpha$};