Driftsort an array

Ruby, 33


a.any? fires up to once for each element in the array, except it stops (and returns true) as soon as the array has been mutated into a sorted state. If this happens, we return the mutated array. Otherwise we return the false value that any? returns.

Python 2, 51 bytes

lambda l:sorted(l)*(map(cmp,l[-1:]+l,l).count(1)<3)

Doesn't bother rotating. Instead, sorts the list, then sees if the original is drift-sortable by checking if there's at most one decrease among consecutive elements of the cyclified list. The count is <3 because map pads the shorter list with None at the end, adding a fake decrease.

Pyth, 9 bytes



           - Q = eval(input())
         + -    Q+Q
       .:  -   sublists(^)
   }       -  V in ^
    SQ     -   sorted(Q)
*SQ        - ^ * sorted(Q) (return sorted(Q) if ^ True)

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