driver utility code example
Example: driver utility
We have too many repeated lines to just to initialize the driver
Being able to pass the same driver instance
when calling methods from other classes
get amazon page - Webdriver driver1.get /
find search bar Webdriver /
send keys Webdriver driver3.sendKey
1- Private constructor: ensures that no one else
can create an instance of the WebDriver
-We will allow reach to this driver only through our getter method.
2- We create a logic to ensure that the same driver instance
is passed every single time:
if(driver==null) {
//this statement will ensure that the new instance will be created
only if the driver object is empty
String browser = ConfigurationReader.getProperty("browser");
//this line will read what browser we want to run on dynamically
switch (browser){
case "chrome":
driver = new ChromeDriver();