dropping rows with certain value pandas code example

Example 1: python: remove specific values in a dataframe

df.drop(df.index[df['myvar'] == 'specific_name'], inplace = True)

Example 2: python - exclude rowin data frame based on value

df = df[df.myvar != 0]
df = df[df.myvar < 2]

Example 3: dataframe drop rows by column value

df = df[df.line_race != 0]

Example 4: pandas drop rows with value in list

import pandas as pd

a = ['2015-01-01' , '2015-02-01']

df = pd.DataFrame(data={'date':['2015-01-01' , '2015-02-01', '2015-03-01' , '2015-04-01', '2015-05-01' , '2015-06-01']})

#         date
#0  2015-01-01
#1  2015-02-01
#2  2015-03-01
#3  2015-04-01
#4  2015-05-01
#5  2015-06-01

df = df[~df['date'].isin(a)]

#         date
#2  2015-03-01
#3  2015-04-01
#4  2015-05-01
#5  2015-06-01