Dump File MySQL 5.6.10

The reason for this is that MySQL 5.6 has removed support for "SET OPTION" and your mysql client tools are probably on older version. Most likely 5.5 or 5.1. There is more info about this issue on MySQL bugs website.

The quickest solution is to update your mysql client tools to 5.6 and your problem will be solved. If you are on Linux platform, here is a solution that worked great for me: http://www.markomedia.com.au/mysqldump-mysql-5-6-problem-solved/

I had the same error in MySQL Workbench.

  1. Find out where is the mysqldump tools provided by your install of MySQL 5.6. On my mac it was at "usr/local/mysql-5.6.10-osx10.7-x86_64/bin/mysqldump".
  2. Then I set up this path in MySQL Workbench/Preferences/Administrator/Path to mysqldump Tool
  3. Give MySQL Workbench a restart.

It should work.

As outlined by a previous answer, but just to clarify further: This is for MySQL in Windows.

I was having the exact same issue while trying to dump data out of a table on a local test server, and based on the previous answer, this is how I did it.

  1. Find your mysql original download folder, and look in the /bin folder, there should be a mysqldump.exe.
  2. Go into Workbench Preferences: Edit -> Preferences -> Administrator -> Path to mysqldump Tool, and enter in the path to the mysqldump.exe that you found.
  3. Save by pressing "OK" and restarting Workbench.
  4. Open up terminal, but typing in cmd in the Search area of the start menu (Windows 7), and find the sql folder you found in step 1, and cd into bin. It should look like C:\...\bin>. Here, type in mysqldump -t -u [username] -p [database name] [tablename]. This should dump the data from the [tablename] table into the dump folder as designated in Workbench.

Hope this helps!