Dutch Burgerservicenummer (BSN) eleven-test
JavaScript (ES6) 57
Input as an array of chars. reduceRight
saves the day!
var r=F([...t]);console.log(t,r)
var r=F([...t]);console.log(t,r)
05AB1E, 23 21 bytes
Try it online! or as a Test suite
` # push input as individual chars onto stack
( # negate top value
) # wrap in list
DgLR # range [len(input) ... 1]
*O # multiply with list of digits and sum
D11Ö # is evenly divisible by 11
89¹gå # len(input) is 8 or 9
P # product of sum/divisible by 11/len in (8,9)
0Ê # not equal to 0
R, 86 67 bytes
Edit: Thanks to Jarko Dubbeldam for suggesting the dot product!
Reads input from stdin and store as an array/vector of characters. Subsequently convert to numeric,multiply with the vector 9...2,-1
and check all conditions.