Dynamic inheritance in Python

Simply store the class-object in a variable (in the example below, it is named base), and use the variable in the base-class-spec of your class statement.

def get_my_code(base):

    class MyCode(base):
        def initialize(self):

    return MyCode

my_code = get_my_code(ParentA)

Just as a quick copy-and-paste-ready snippet, I've added the comments from shx2's answer to create this (memoized with a created_classes dict attribute, so that the classes created by successive identical calls with the same class will give identical classes):

class ParentA:
    val = "ParentA"

class ParentB:
    val = "ParentB"

class DynamicClassCreator():
    def __init__(self):
        self.created_classes = {}
    def __call__(self, *bases):
        rep = ",".join([i.__name__ for i in bases])
        if rep in self.created_classes:
            return self.created_classes[rep]
        class MyCode(*bases):
        self.created_classes[rep] = MyCode
        return MyCode

creator = DynamicClassCreator()

instance1 = creator(ParentA, ParentB)()
print(instance1.val) #prints "ParentA"

instance2 = creator(ParentB, ParentA)()
print(instance2.val) #prints "ParentB"

If you wanted to get fancy you could even make DynamicClassCreator a Singleton: https://stackoverflow.com/a/7346105/5122790

Also, you can use type builtin. As callable, it takes arguments: name, bases, dct (in its simplest form).

def initialize(self):
    self.initial_value = 1

def some_event(self):
    # handle event

subclass_body_dict = {
    "initialize": initialize,
    "some_event": some_event

base_class = ParentA # or ParentB, as you wish

MyCode = type("MyCode", (base_class, ), subclass_body_dict)

This is more explicit than snx2 solution, but still - I like his way better.

PS. of course, you dont have to store base_class, nor subclass_body_dict, you can build those values in type() call like:

MyCode = type("MyCode", (ParentA, ), {
        "initialize": initialize,
        "some_event": some_event

As an alternative to Chris's answer implementing the memoisation suggestion for shx2's answer, I'd prefer to use a memoize decorator (the end result is still a class but it's clearer to me that the function is the interface), and also use setdefault to simplify adding to the memo dict, and do not convert the names to string but use the tuple bases itself as the key, simplifying the code to:

class Memoize:
    def __init__(self, f):
        self.f = f
        self.memo = {}

    def __call__(self, *args):
        return self.memo.setdefault(args, self.f(*args))

class ParentA:
    def initialize(self):

class ParentB:
    def initialize(self):

def get_my_code(base):

    class MyCode(base):
        def initialize(self):

    return MyCode

a1 = get_my_code(ParentA)
a2 = get_my_code(ParentA)
b1 = get_my_code(ParentB)

print(a1 is a2) # True
print(a1 is b1) # False

(Not a good example as the code provided doesn't actually do anything other than overwrite the parent class's initialize method...)