dynamic inline style angular code example
Example 1: conditional inline style angular
// ngStyle (conditional Style)
<div *ngFor='let [data] of [dataArray]; let i=index;'>
<h2 [style.background]="i>1? 'green': 'red'"> {{i}} {{data.title}} </h2>
//if the index of the element is 1 or 0, the background will be red, if it is over 1 the background will be green
Example 2: angular inline component
> ng generate component <component-name> --inlineTemplate=true --inlineStyle=true
Example 3: add css dynamically in angular 6
import { CssService} from './Css.service';
selector: 'DynamicCss',
templateUrl: './DynamicCss.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./DynamicCss.component.scss']
export class ServiceProviderComponent implements OnInit {
cssVariables: any;
constructor(private cssService:CssService){
Example 4: add css dynamically in angular 6