Dynamic query with optional where clauses using Slick 3
A simpler approach without for comprehension:
import slick.lifted.LiteralColumn
val depLocOpt = Option[Long]
val slickFlights = TableQuery[Flights]
val query = slickFlights.filter { sf =>
if (depLocOpt.isDefined) sf.departureLocation === depLocOpt.get
else LiteralColumn(true)
UPDATE: you can shorten it more with fold
val depLocOpt = Option[Long]
val slickFlights = TableQuery[Flights]
val query = slickFlights.filter { sf =>
depLocOpt.fold(true.bind)(sf.departureLocation === _)
January 2019
No more need to invent your own wheels!
At last Slick 3.3.0 includes the following helpers:
So, for example:
case class User(id: Long, name: String, age: Int)
case class UserFilter(name: Option[String], age: Option[Int])
val users = TableQuery[UsersTable]
def findUsers(filter: UserFilter): Future[Seq[User]] = db run {
.filterOpt(filter.name){ case (table, name) =>
table.name === name
.filterOpt(filter.age){ case (table, age) =>
table.age === age
For the benefit of anyone else trying to get optional filters working in Slick, have a look at the answer here: right usage of slick filter. I finally managed to get it working with the following:
def search(departureLocation: Option[String], arrivalLocation: Option[String]) = {
val query = for {
flight <- slickFlights.filter(f =>
departureLocation.map(d =>
f.departureLocation === d).getOrElse(slick.lifted.LiteralColumn(true)) &&
arrivalLocation.map(a =>
f.arrivalLocation === a).getOrElse(slick.lifted.LiteralColumn(true))
} yield flight
The key bit being the .getOrElse(slick.lifted.LiteralColumn(true))
on the end of the map, which causes Slick to render SQL as follows if for example only the departureLocation is set...
select * from `flight`
where (`departureLocation` = 'JFK') and true
whereas without it the SQL looked like...
select * from `flight`
where (`departureLocation` = 'JFK') and (`arrivalLocation` = '')
which obviously meant that it came back with no rows.