Dynamically Changing what table to select from with SQL CASE statement
You can not use CASE statement in FROM clause, but you can use the following instead:
SELECT itemnumber, itemtype, description
FROM tablea
WHERE itemnumber = @itemnumber AND itemtype = 'A'
SELECT itemnumber, itemtype, description
FROM tableb
WHERE partnumber = @itemnumber AND itemtype <> 'A'
You could try building the dynamic SQL statement as a string, and then calling the sp_executesql stored procedure to execute the string.
See here for more information and examples.
I'm not sure why you want to do things in one SQL Statement .. I'm not a SQL Server person, but in an Oracle stored procedure you could write something like this
If itemtype = 'A'
<statement for table A>
<statement for Table B>
End if
Something like this should work in SQL Server, too .. maybe someone could expand on this?