Dynamically create a HTML form with Javascript

I think posting a complete solution would be too much, but check out jQuery for this. I give you a hint, jQuery's .append() could be very useful for you :)

You could try something like this:

The HTML part:



The javascript:

//create a form
var f = document.createElement("form");

//create input element
var i = document.createElement("input");
i.type = "text";
i.name = "user_name";
i.id = "user_name1";

//create a checkbox
var c = document.createElement("input");
c.type = "checkbox";
c.id = "checkbox1";
c.name = "check1";

//create a button
var s = document.createElement("input");
s.type = "submit";
s.value = "Submit";

// add all elements to the form

// add the form inside the body
$("body").append(f);   //using jQuery or
document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].appendChild(f); //pure javascript


This way you can create as many elements as you want dynamically.