Dynamically modifying an SVG filter with javascript

It would be simpler to do this using ordinary DOM rather than jquery. Move the id to the feGaussianBlur element

<svg version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
<feGaussianBlur id="blur" stdDeviation="0" />

And then

document.getElementById("blur").setAttribute("stdDeviation", "5");

or alternatively

document.getElementById("blur").setStdDeviation(5, 5);

This question is old, but it's worth answering.

There are two reasons why setting/getting attributes with jQuery on SVG elements might not work:

1. Letter case

jQuery has this code in its attr() implementation:

if ( .... || !jQuery.isXMLDoc( elem ) ) {
   name = name.toLowerCase();

In other words, it reads/sets the attribute stddeviation, not stdDeviation.

2. Attributes vs properties

In old jQuery versions, the propetry, instead of the attribute, is used. This casuses things to fail if the property is not a simple string value (E.g., "For an SVG element, className is not a string, but an instance of SVGAnimatedString". E.g., There isn't really a stdDeviation property at all, but X and Y ones). See the documentation of prop() and attr() for more information.

So, what to do?

Here's an implementation of xattr(), which works where attr() fails, because it doesn't try to be smart. Use it instead of attr().

jQuery.fn.xattr = function(name, val) {
  if (val !== undefined) {
    this.each(function() {
      this.setAttribute(name, val);
    return this;
  else {
    if (this.length)
      return this[0].getAttribute(name);