Early exit from function?

function myfunction() {
     if(a == 'stop') 
         return false;

return false; is much better than just return;

Apparently you can do this:

function myFunction() {myFunction:{
    console.log('i get executed');
    break myFunction;
    console.log('i do not get executed');

See block scopes through the use of a label: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/label

I can't see any downsides yet. But it doesn't seem like a common use.

Derived this answer: JavaScript equivalent of PHP’s die

You can just use return.

function myfunction() {
     if(a == 'stop') 

This will send a return value of undefined to whatever called the function.

var x = myfunction();

console.log( x );  // console shows undefined

Of course, you can specify a different return value. Whatever value is returned will be logged to the console using the above example.

return false;
return true;
return "some string";
return 12345;

