Easiest way to compare two Excel files in Java?

Here's what I ended up doing (with the heavy lifting being done by DBUnit):

 * Compares the data in the two Excel files represented by the given input
 * streams, closing them on completion
 * @param expected can't be <code>null</code>
 * @param actual can't be <code>null</code>
 * @throws Exception
private void compareExcelFiles(InputStream expected, InputStream actual)
  throws Exception
  try {
    Assertion.assertEquals(new XlsDataSet(expected), new XlsDataSet(actual));
  finally {

This compares the data in the two files, with no risk of false negatives from any irrelevant metadata that might be different. Hope this helps someone.

You might consider using my project simple-excel which provides a bunch of Hamcrest Matchers to do the job.

When you do something like the following,

assertThat(actual, WorkbookMatcher.sameWorkbook(expected));

You'd see, for example,

Expected: entire workbook to be equal
     but: cell at "C14" contained <"bananas"> expected <nothing>,
          cell at "C15" contained <"1,850,000 EUR"> expected <"1,850,000.00 EUR">,
          cell at "D16" contained <nothing> expected <"Tue Sep 04 06:30:00">
    at org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.assertThat(MatcherAssert.java:20)

That way, you can run it from your automatted tests and get meaningful feedback whilst you're developing.

You can read more about it at this article on my site