Easy rule to read complicated const declarations?
The const
modifier is trivial: it modifies what precedes it, unless
nothing precedes it. So:
char const* buffer; // const modifies char
char* const buffer; // const modifies *
, etc. Generally, It's best to avoid the forms where nothing precedes
the const
, but in practice, you're going to see them, so you have to
remember that when no type precedes the const
, you have to logically
move it behind the first type. So:
const char** buffer;
is in fact:
char const** buffer;
, i.e. pointer to pointer to const char.
Finally, in a function declaration, a []
after reads as a *
(Again, it's probably better to avoid this misleading notation, but
you're going to see it, so you have to deal with it.) So:
char * const argv[], // As function argument
char *const * argv,
a pointer to a const pointer to a char.
(Trying to focus on other aspects of the question)
The rule of thumb for const declarations is to read them from right to left and const
modifies the next token. Exception: At the beginning of a declaration const
modifies the previous token.
There is a rationale behind this exception - for elementary declarations const char c
looks for some people more natural than char const c
- and it is reported that a precursor form of const char c
predates the final const rule.
int getopt(int argc, char * const argv[], const char *optstring);
int getopt(int argc, char * const * argv, const char *optstring);
Which means that argv
is a pointer to const vector of pointers to non-const strings.
But one would expect following declaration:
int getopt(int argc, char const * const * argv, const char *optstring);
(pointer to const vector to const strings)
Because getopt()
is not supposed to change the strings referenced via argv.
At least char **
(as used in main()
) automatically converts to char * const * argv
ASTUnit::LoadFromCommandLine(..., const char **argv, ...);
Which means that argv
is a pointer to a non-const array of pointers to const strings.
Again one would expect const char * const *argv
for the same reason as above.
But this is more noticeable because char **
does not convert to const char **
, e.g.
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
const char **x = argv; // Compile error!
return 0;
yields a compile error, where
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
char * const *x = argv;
return 0;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
const char * const *x = argv;
return 0;
do not.