Echarts3 (baidu) colored round in tooltip
Echarts already sends the marker html in params of each series with specific color. To create an original looking tooltip you can simply use that like this for line chart:
formatter : (args) => {
let tooltip = `<p>${args[0].axisValue}</p> `;
args.forEach(({ marker, seriesName, value }) => {
value = value || [0, 0];
tooltip += `<p>${marker} ${seriesName} — ${value[1]}</p>`;
return tooltip;
ECharts support user-defined tooltip, include the color you wanted.
For example you have a line chart demo like this, and you want to change the default tooltip, add %
or something else after the tooltip without lose the default color.Just replace tooltip code with this code below.
tooltip : {
trigger: 'axis',
axisPointer: {
animation: true
formatter: function (params) {
var colorSpan = color => '<span style="display:inline-block;margin-right:5px;border-radius:10px;width:9px;height:9px;background-color:' + color + '"></span>';
let rez = '<p>' + params[0].axisValue + '</p>';
//console.log(params); //quite useful for debug
params.forEach(item => {
//console.log(item); //quite useful for debug
var xx = '<p>' + colorSpan(item.color) + ' ' + item.seriesName + ': ' + + '%' + '</p>'
rez += xx;
return rez;
with this tooltip code, you will see the original tooltip color 邮件营销: 90
become color 邮件营销: 90%
, we add self-defined %
to tooltip.
One way to solve this is to return custom HTML in your tooltip formatter, for instance:
var formatTooltipLine = function(color){
return "<span style='display:inline-block;width:10px;height:10px;border-radius:50%;background-color:"+color+";margin-right:5px;'></span><span>line text</span>"
var formatter = function(){
// custom title
var lines = ["<b>2016</b>"];
// custom lines
["red", "orange"].forEach(function(color){
return lines.join("<br>");