Eclipse auto suggesting and filling in variable names

I realize this is a 3 year old post, but...

From what I can gather, there isn't an option to disable this, it was hard coded into the content assist feature. But there is a plugin that you can download from the answer to this stack overflow question that will disable this feature

I know it's an old question but since non of the answers here worked for me, and this problem was really annoying me too, I am adding solution that helped me.

In your Eclipse go to: Window/Preferences/Java/Editor/Content Assist

and enable:

Disable insertion triggers except 'Enter'


Hopefully that will work for everyone!)

As there isn't any definitive solution for this yet, what I find works best is to disable the alphabetic characters from triggers:

Windows > Prefereces > Java > Editor > Content Assist > Auto activation triggers for Java

This will mean no class name / type completion, but method name completion will still be suggested when you pressed dot, however at least Eclipse stop messing with my variable name

Go to Window/Preferences/Java/Editor/Content Assist and choose settings that works for you.

