Edit an AndroidManifest when compiling to remove API-key

Create a new *.xml file in your res/values (call it api-keys.xml or something similar).

Change your manifest to point to this string:


When you first push your changes to the public, put in a dummy key.

Then edit the file with your real API key.

Then add the file to your .gitignore file so it doesn't get pushed again.

I suggest to use Gradle to dynamically load the API key for different build types and load a dummy key if none is found. This has the advantage that also a CI can build your application without the need of a real API key, but every new developer in your team has to set up the API key.

  1. create a properties file google-maps-api.properties in your root gradle folder. Ignore the file by adding this line gradle/google-maps-api.properties to your .gitignore and put in the following 2 properties:
  1. Next create the following google-maps-api-config.gradle file in your root gradle folder. This Gradle file will load the property file you created in step 1.
ext {
    googleMapsApiConfig = new GoogleMapsApiConfigLogic(project)

Before you run your application, you need a Google Maps API key.

Using these values:

Package name:

SHA-1 certificate fingerprint:

Follow the directions here:

Once you have your key (it starts with "AIza") create a file with the name "google-maps-api.properties" in the gradle folder:

Put in 2 properties:
googleMapsApiKeyDebug:[THE KEY YOU JUST CREATED]
googleMapsApiKeyRelease:[YOUR RELEASE GOOGLE MAPS KEY] (if you are just developing and not planning to publish then fill in "YOUR_RELEASE_KEY_HERE")

"gradle/google-maps-api.properties" example:

Sync your project and build.

class GoogleMapsApiConfigLogic {

    public final keyGoogleMapsApiKeyDebug = "googleMapsApiKeyDebug"
    public final keyGoogleMapsApiKeyRelease = "googleMapsApiKeyRelease"
    private final configGoogleMapsApiPropsFileName = "gradle/google-maps-api.properties"

    public final props

    private final project

    GoogleMapsApiConfigLogic(project) {
        this.project = project
        this.props = loadGoogleMapsApiProperties()

    def loadGoogleMapsApiProperties() {

        Properties propertiesObj

        if ((propertiesObj = loadFromProperties("$project.rootDir/$configGoogleMapsApiPropsFileName")) != null) {
            project.logger.quiet("google-maps-api-config: use local properties file for Google Maps API")
            return propertiesObj
        } else {
            propertiesObj = new Properties()
            propertiesObj.put(keyGoogleMapsApiKeyDebug, "YOUR_KEY_HERE")
            propertiesObj.put(keyGoogleMapsApiKeyRelease, "YOUR_KEY_HERE")

        project.logger.quiet("google-maps-api-config: no API key found for Google Maps")
        return propertiesObj

    def loadFromProperties(fileName) {
        Properties props = new Properties()
        File propFile = new File(fileName)

        if (propFile.exists()) {
            props.load(new FileInputStream(propFile))
            if (props.get(keyGoogleMapsApiKeyDebug) != null &&
                    props.get(keyGoogleMapsApiKeyRelease) != null) {
                project.logger.quiet("google-maps-api-config: use $fileName for Google Maps API")
                return props
        } else {
            project.logger.quiet("google-maps-api-config: $propFile does not exist for Google Maps API")
        return null
  1. Add the the following to your app/build.gradle file:
plugins {
    id 'com.android.application'
    id 'kotlin-android'
    id 'kotlin-android-extensions'
    // ...

apply from: "$rootDir/gradle/google-maps-api-config.gradle" // handles Google Maps API key

android {

   // ...

   buildTypes {
        release {

            // other config

            resValue "string", "google_maps_key", "\"${googleMapsApiConfig.props.getProperty(googleMapsApiConfig.keyGoogleMapsApiKeyRelease)}\""

        debug {
            // other config

            resValue "string", "google_maps_key", "\"${googleMapsApiConfig.props.getProperty(googleMapsApiConfig.keyGoogleMapsApiKeyDebug)}\""

This will create a String Resource with the key google_maps_key and the value of your API key. You can delete any other API key references, e.g. Android Studio generate the following files: app/src/debug/res/values/google_maps_api.xml and app/src/release/res/values/google_maps_api.xml - you can delete them.

  1. Add the Google Maps API Key to your manifest:

            android:value="@string/google_maps_key" />