Efficiently checking whether a number is a perfect power

I offer the following as a fast way of testing cubic and higher powers

primes = Select[Range[59], PrimeQ]

Get a list of all the relevant powers up to a specified limit

list[nmax_] := Sort[Flatten[Table[Range[2, Floor[nmax^(1/p)]]^p, {p, Drop[primes, 1]}]]];

For example


(* {8, 27, 32, 64, 125, 128, 216, 243, 343, 512, 729, 1000} *)

Define an AssociationMap and Lookup function

 asc = AssociationMap[True&, list[10^19]];
 exactpower1 = Lookup[asc, #, False] &;

Test it on a million random integers in under a second

AbsoluteTiming[Tally[exactpower1 /@ RandomInteger[{10^18, 2*10^18}, {10^6}]]]
(*  {0.678293, {{False, 1000000}}} *)


In combination with a check for higher order powers, the following can rapidly test for possible squares. It uses the logic described in https://gmplib.org/manual/Perfect-Square-Algorithm.html to make tests modulo various numbers before falling back to a full test involving a square root.

exactsquarefull[n_] := IntegerQ[Sqrt[n]]

 maketest[n_] := Module[{list, asc},
  list = Union[Mod[Range[n]^2, n]];
  asc = AssociationMap[True &, list];
  possiblesquare[n] = Lookup[asc, Mod[#, n], False] &]

 maketest /@ {256, 9, 5, 7, 13, 17, 97};

 exactsquare[n_] := 
 possiblesquare[256][n] && possiblesquare[9][n] && 
  possiblesquare[5][n] && possiblesquare[7][n] && 
  possiblesquare[13][n] && possiblesquare[17][n] && 
  possiblesquare[97][n] && exactsquarefull[n]

This matches the expected result on all numbers up to 10^6

 {exactsquare[#] == exactsquarefull[#]} & /@ Range[1000000] // Union

 (* {{True}} *)

and checks 10^6 large numbers in under 3 seconds

 AbsoluteTiming[Tally[exactsquare /@ RandomInteger[{10^18, 2*10^18}, {1000000}]]]
 (* {2.76558, {{False, 1000000}}} *)

There is this way:

SetAttributes[test, Listable]
test[n_] := FirstPosition[Reverse[#[[2 ;; Ceiling[Length[#]/2]]] &[
                  Divisors[n]]], _?(IntegerQ[Log[#, n]] &), 0] =!= 0
Pick[#, test[#]] &[Range[1000]]