ejs javascript code example

Example 1: ejs if else

<h1>Hey <%= title.toUpperCase() %>, Welcome </h1>

<% if(title.toLowerCase() === "Rabbit"){ %>
<p>Welcome Code_Breaker!</p>
<% } else { %>
<p>You are not Code_Breaker</p>
<% } %>

Example 2: ejs

npm install ejs	//install ejs in cmd

Example 3: how to use ejs with client side ejs

<div id="output"></div>
<script src="ejs.min.js"></script>
  let people = ['geddy', 'neil', 'alex'],
      html = ejs.render('<%= people.join(", "); %>', {people: people});
  // With jQuery:
  // Vanilla JS:
  document.getElementById('output').innerHTML = html;

Example 4: ejs tutorial

  <% users.forEach(function(user){ %>
    <%- include('user/show', {user: user}); %>
  <% }); %>

Example 5: ejs means?

let str = "Hello <%= include('file', {person: 'John'}); %>",
      fn = ejs.compile(str, {client: true});

fn(data, null, function(path, d){ // include callback
  // path -> 'file'
  // d -> {person: 'John'}
  // Put your code here
  // Return the contents of file as a string
}); // returns rendered string