ElasticSearch error while sending data

In Windows environment, I solved this problem.

-d plus double quotation(") 

and surround name with backslash plus double quotaton(\")


curl (more-option) -d "{\"column1\": \"abc\", \"column2\": \"def\", \"column3\": \"dghi\", \"column4\": \"jkl\", \"column5\": \"mno\"}"

Try using curly brackets first, then naming the array. Try that and see if it works.

For example:

{root:[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]}

might work because it's contained inside an object.

Even better; while I was experimenting with JSON.stringify();, I found that it coverts arrays to JSON like so:

{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}

thanks @hellol11

it worked when I changed to

    {root :
    {"column1": "abc", "column2": "def", "column3": "dghi", "column4": "jkl", "column5": "mno"},
    {"column1": "pqr", "column2": "stu", "column3": "vwx", "column4": "", "column5": ""}


I recently ran into this using curl and it was a simple typo. I was not using inline json, but from a file. I forgot to include the @ sign before the filename.

curl -XPUT -H'Content-Type:application/json' localhost:9200/twitter [email protected]