eloquent save code example

Example 1: laravel fillable

     * The attributes that are mass assignable.
    protected $fillable = [

Example 2: update query in laravel eloquent

$data = DB::table('cart')
                ->where('crt_id', $id)
               ->update(['crt_status' =>'0']);

Example 3: laravel difference between fill and update

<?php$user = User::find(1); 
// This will update immediately
$user->update(['first_name' => 'Braj', 'last_name' => 'Mohan']);

// This will not update underlying data store immediately
$user->fill(['first_name' => 'Fred', 'last_name' => 'Avad']);
// At this point user object is still only in memory with updated values but actual update query is not performed.
// so we can have more logic here 
$user->is_active = true;
// Then finally we can save it.
$user->save(); // This will also make user active

Example 4: laravel find query

$model = App\Models\Flight::where('legs', '>', 100)->firstOr(function () {
        // ...

Example 5: laravel eloquent fill

$flight->fill(['name' => 'Flight 22']);
