Emacs, How to change some colors in M-x shell?

Somewhere I found this, and it helped me (I'm a complete newbie, but I thought thatsetq ansi-color-names-vector would be enough):

(setq ansi-color-names-vector
      ["black" "tomato" "PaleGreen2" "gold1"
       "DeepSkyBlue1" "MediumOrchid1" "cyan" "white"])
(setq ansi-color-map (ansi-color-make-color-map))  ;; helped line

Now ansi-color-names-vector works in shell.

M-x customize-variable RET ansi-color-names-vector RET

Existing text will not have been affected, but newly printed text (even in the same shell buffer) will show the new colors.

Here is what I use to set Solarized colors for emacs. I went ahead and posted my whole ansi-term config in case any other settings might be useful.

(use-package ansi-term
  :defer t

    ;; ;; Use variable width font faces in current buffer
    (defun my-buffer-face-mode-variable ()
    ;;   "Set font to a variable width (proportional) fonts in current buffer"
      (setq buffer-face-mode-face '(:family "Menlo For Powerline" :height 100))
      (text-scale-adjust 1)

    (setq system-uses-terminfo nil)
    (add-hook 'term-mode-hook
              '(lambda ()
                 (linum-mode 0)
                 (term-set-escape-char ?\C-z)
                 (term-set-escape-char ?\C-x)
                 (define-key term-raw-map "\C-c" 'term-interrupt-subjob)
                 (define-key term-raw-map (kbd "M-x") 'execute-extended-command)
                 (setq autopair-dont-activate t)
                 (setq ac-auto-start nil)
                 (visual-line-mode -1)
                 ;; (my-buffer-face-mode-variable)

    (defun my-term-paste (&optional string)
       (get-buffer-process (current-buffer))
       (if string string (current-kill 0))))

    (defun my-term-pasteboard-paste ()
       (get-buffer-process (current-buffer))

    (add-hook 'term-exec-hook '(lambda ()
                                 (set-buffer-process-coding-system 'utf-8-unix 'utf-8-unix)
                                 (define-key term-raw-map (kbd "C-y") 'my-term-paste)
                                 (define-key term-raw-map (kbd "s-v") 'my-term-pasteboard-paste)
                                 (let ((base03 "#002b36")
                                       (base02 "#073642")
                                       (base01 "#586e75")
                                       (base00 "#657b83")
                                       (base0 "#839496")
                                       (base1 "#93a1a1")
                                       (base2 "#eee8d5")
                                       (base3 "#fdf6e3")
                                       (yellow "#b58900")
                                       (orange "#cb4b16")
                                       (red "#dc322f")
                                       (magenta "#d33682")
                                       (violet "#6c71c4")
                                       (blue "#268bd2")
                                       (cyan "#2aa198")
                                       (green "#859900"))
                                   (setq ansi-term-color-vector
                                         (vconcat `(unspecified ,base02 ,red ,green ,yellow ,blue
                                                                ,magenta ,cyan ,base2))))))